In which I find out whether my ideas about using components have any merit.

For a while now I’ve been complaining that the conventions that Eliir adopted from Erlang tend to lead people to write monolithic applications.

In order to test these ideas and others) I’ve been building a system which supports the creation and deployment of lots of decoupled components. It’s going fairly well, but I got slightly derailed when I came to integrate a centralized logger into the mix. After all, if you deploy 50 separate components, you really don’t want to be grovelling through 50 separate log files to find out what’s going on.

I know there are lots of good SaaS solutions, but I felt that I needed something simpler and under my control if I was to assert that this approach works.

I had a look at modifying the built-in Elixir logger, but it wasn’t really amenable to the changes I wanted. I looked at some other solutions, but they all lacked one thing or another.

So, I decided to honor the well-established traditions of our field and write my own. The decider for me was the thought that I could put my effort where my mouth is and write this as an assembly of components.

This post is a kind of experience report on the lessons learned.

tldr; the approach works really well, but would benefit greatly from a little tooling support. I will write everything this way going forward.

The Bunyan Logger

Bunyan is a distributed, extensable logger. I currently consists of nine separate components, averaging about 200 lines of code each.

Each component is a separate mix project, and each is a separate github project.

The overall architecture looks something like this:

Programmatic API Remote reader Write to stdout files, etc Collect & Distribute etc Erlang error logger Write to remote node SOURCES CORE WRITERS

Each of the boxes is a component. In addition there are two background components, a formatter for log messages and a set of shared utility functions.

Structure of a Component

I played with many different options, but settled on something really quite simple.

Each component has the same overall structure. A component named device, which writes log messages to devices, would have a lib directory tree like this:

├── device
│   ├── application.ex
│   ├── impl.ex
│   ├── server.ex
│   └── state.ex
└── device.ex

Each module has a specific purpose:

  • lib/device.ex

    is the API for the component. It declared all the externally callable functions, delegating them to the server. It also contains the child_spec that kicks that server off. In the case of Bunyan, I removed duplication between components with a simple macro. This means the top level code of the device component is:

    defmodule Bunyan.Writer.Device do
      @server __MODULE__.Server
      use Bunyan.Shared.Writable, server_module: @server
      alias Bunyan.Shared.LogMsg
      @type name :: atom()   | pid()
      @type t    :: binary() | name()
      @spec write_log_message(device :: atom() | name, msg :: LogMsg.t) :: any
      def write_log_message(device, message) do
        GenServer.cast(device, { :log_message, message })
      @spec update_configuration(name :: name, new_config :: keyword()) :: any()
      def update_configuration(name \\ @server, new_config) do, { :update_configuration, new_config })
      @spec set_log_device(name :: name, device :: t) :: any()
      def set_log_device(name \\ @server, device) do, { :set_log_device, device })
      @spec bounce_log_file(name :: name) :: :ok
      def bounce_log_file(name \\ @server) when is_atom(name) or is_pid(name) do, { :bounce_log_file })

    (I’ve removed comments and documentation for clarity).

    There’s a little trickery here: when you use Bunyan.Shared.Writable, it defines the child spec for you, and also creates a helper function that handles configuration. More on that later.

  • device/application.ex

    Is totally standard. It passes the top-level module to Supervisor.start_link, as that top-level module contains the child spec.

    defmodule Bunyan.Writer.Device.Application do
      use Application
      def start(_type, _args) do
        children = [
          { Bunyan.Writer.Device, [] },
        opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Bunyan.Writer.Device.Supervisor]
        Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
  • device/server.ex

    This is a straightforward GenServer. It contains a minimal amount of application logic, delegating that work to the Impl module. I’d remove some boring repetition from the code here:

    defmodule Bunyan.Writer.Device.Server do
      use GenServer
      alias Bunyan.Writer.Device.{ Impl, State }
      def start_link(options) do
        GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, options, name: __MODULE__)
      def init(options) do
        { :ok, options }
      def handle_cast({ :log_message, msg}, options) do
        Impl.write_to_device(options, msg)
        { :noreply, options }
      def handle_call({ :set_log_device, device }, _, options) do
        options = Impl.set_log_device(options, device)
        { :reply, :ok, options }
      def handle_call({ :update_configuration, new_config }, _, config) do
        new_config = State.from(new_config, config)
        { :reply, :ok,  new_config }
      def handle_call({ :bounce_log_file }, _, config ) do
        { :reply, :ok, Impl.bounce_log_file(config) }
      def terminate(_, options) do
      defp flush_pending() do
        # ..
  • device/impl.ex

    This module contains the actual implementation of the component.

    defmodule Bunyan.Writer.Device.Impl do
      alias Bunyan.Writer.Device.SignalHandler
      def write_to_device(options, msg) do
        IO.write(options.device_pid, options.format_function.(msg) |> List.flatten |> Enum.join)
      @spec set_log_device(config :: map, device :: Bunyan.Writer.Device.t) :: map
      def set_log_device(config, device) do
        pid_or_process_name = maybe_open_file(device)
        |> maybe_close_existing_file()
        |> setup_new_device(pid_or_process_name, device)
        |> maybe_setup_signal_handler()
        |> maybe_enable_color_logging()
      def close_log_device(options) do
      @spec bounce_log_file(map()) :: map()
      def bounce_log_file(options = %{ device: device }) when is_binary(device) do
        options = maybe_close_existing_file(options)
        pid = open_log_file(device)
        setup_new_device(options, pid, device)
      # and the private helper functions ...
  • device/state.ex

    And finally there’s the State module. Because this is somthing of a big deal, it gets its own section…

State and Configuration

It became apparent very early in the development that managing configuration was critical. It was also something that the Erlang config model couldn’t help with (but that’s a separate rant).

My current solution is simple, but seems to work well.

Every component has an internal representation of its state. This is defined as a struct in the State module.

The state contains two main sections, working state and configuration.

The working state consists of the values that the server needs to generate and pass around to make the component function.

The configuration part of the state is the internal representation of this component’s configuration.

The Configuration/State Boundary

The configuration of a component is given to it when that component is started. This configuration is expressed in terms that make sense to the user of the component.

The configuration section of the state is a representation of this external representation. It’s held in a form that makes most sense to the implementation of a component.

For example, Bunyan supports log levels such as :info, :warn, and :error. These are the external representations. Internally we often need to compare these log levels against a threshold level, so for convenience we convert the atoms (the external form) into integers (the internal form).

The convention I adopted is to have a state module define both the structure representing the internal representation and a function (imaginatively called from) that maps the external form into this structure. Yes, indeed, this is a constructor. Shoot me.

Here’s a cut-down version of the state module for the Device component:

defmodule Bunyan.Writer.Device.State do

  alias Bunyan.Shared.{ Level, Options }
  alias Bunyan.{ Formatter, Writer.Device.Impl }

  @debug Level.of(:debug)
  @info  Level.of(:info)
  @warn  Level.of(:warn)
  @error Level.of(:error)

  import IO.ANSI

    name:          Bunyan.Writer.Device,

    device:        :user,      # a pid, a named process (eg :user), or a filename
    device_pid:    :user,      # the opened device

    pid_file_name: nil,

    main_format_string:        "$time [$level] $message_first_line",
    additional_format_string:  "$message_rest\n$extra",

    format_function:           nil,

    level_colors:   %{
      @debug => faint(),
      @info  => green(),
      @warn  => yellow(),
      @error => light_red() <> bright()
    message_colors: %{
      @debug => faint(),
      @info  => green(),
      @warn  => yellow(),
      @error => light_red()

    timestamp_color: faint(),
    extra_color:     italic() <> faint(),

    user_wants_color?: true,      # this is the user option
    use_ansi_color?:   true       # and this is (user_wants_color? && device supports it)

  def from(user_options, base \\ %__MODULE__{}) do
    import Options, only: [ maybe_add: 3,  maybe_add: 4]

    options = base
              |> maybe_add(user_options, :name)
              |> maybe_add(user_options, :device)
              |> maybe_add(user_options, :pid_file_name)
              |> maybe_add(user_options, :main_format_string)
              |> maybe_add(user_options, :additional_format_string)
              |> maybe_add(user_options, :timestamp_color)
              |> maybe_add(user_options, :extra_color)
              |> maybe_add(user_options, :use_ansi_color?, :user_wants_color?)
              |> maybe_update_colors(user_options, :level_colors)
              |> maybe_update_colors(user_options, :message_colors)

    Impl.set_log_device(options, options.device)
    |> precompile_format_function()

  # ... private helper functions ...

The structure at the top of the module is fairly complex for this component as we have to deal with all the color configuration. Notice how it defines the default configuration values.

The from function that follows it is passed the external configuration options. It uses these to update the state. The maybe_add function is a shared helper that overwrites a value in the state struct only if it occurs in the external options.

Convention IS Configuration

This all comes together when a component is created.

We typically create instances of components dynamically. In the case of Bunyan, the overall configuration will list the readers and writers that we want to run. For each writer, we add a child to a supervisor, and pass that child its external configuration as its start_link parameters. And that’s where the child spec generated for the top-level module comes into play.

Remember that our top-level component started with:

  defmodule Bunyan.Writer.Device do
    @server __MODULE__.Server
    use Bunyan.Shared.Writable, server_module: @server

    # ...

Let’s have a look at that macro:

  defmodule Bunyan.Shared.Writable do

    @callback update_configuration(name :: atom(), new_config :: keyword()) :: any()
    @callback start(config :: map()) :: any()

    defmacro __using__(args \\ []) do
      caller = __CALLER__.module
      state_module  = args[:state_module]  || Module.concat(caller,  State)
      server_module = args[:server_module] || Module.concat(caller,  Server)

      quote do
        def child_spec(config) do
          }, [])
        defoverridable child_spec: 1

        def state_from_config(config) do

Its main purpose is to define a child spec for the component, which is basically an MFA tuple. And the Argument part of that tuple is created from the state_from_config function, which in turn calls the component’s State.from function.

The result is that the component is automatically started with a defined state that includes configuration.

## But Does This Structure Work?

The simple answer is that it works really well. It took me a month’s worth of throwing more complex stuff away until I got to this point, but I stopped when I got here because it made the actual development of Bunyan really simple.

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